Capacidades Institucionales e Implementación de Programas Sociales: Las Transformaciones de los Programas Materno Infantiles en Argentina en la Última Década.
The paper argues that the implementation process of the Child-Maternal Programs (PMIs), at the local level, allows the study of three interrelated problems: social policies, institutional capabilities and, from a public policy perspective, the program’s implementation aspects. The paper, briefly, describes the main characteristics and transformations of two PMI´s in Argentina at national level: the classic and traditional program and the “modern” program, which was created in the early nineties – Matern and Child Nutritional Program (PROMIN) -, following international tendencies in the design and implementation of social programs. After characterizing these programs, the author uses the Hilberbrand and Grindle’s (1997) institutional capabilities framework to identify capabilities gaps related to formulation and implementation.
Institutional Capabilities, Social Policies, Child-Maternal Programs, Argentina
Idiart, A. (2007). Capacidades Institucionales e Implementación de Programas Sociales: Las Transformaciones de los Programas Materno Infantiles en Argentina en la Última Década. Estado, Gobierno Y Gestión Pública, 5(10), pp. 27 / 54.
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