This article reviews the first decade of Revista Chilena de Literatura (1970-1980), a period in which this publication shows notable changes from its foundational purposes. Through the reading of some articles about Chilean authors and their literary works, it has been possible to identify and interpret theoretical and methodological changes present in these articles, along the impact that both the Unidad Popular as well as the coup and the military dictatorship played in these changes. Taking into account these changes, the relation that the magazine had with its context and the strategies to re-position itself in the Chilean academic landscape in dictatorship are evaluated, thereby approaching formats likely to appear in fields related to scientific communication.
Revista Chilena de Literatura, scientific magazine, literary criticism, Unidad Popular, dictatorship
Rosas Lira, M. (2019). The first decade of Revista Chilena de Literatura: Between the Unidad Popular and the Military Dictatorship. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (100), pp. 13–33. Retrieved from
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