The science in the Argentine´s sexual education law: Contributions from epistemology and feminist pedagogy


  • Catalina González del Cerro Universidad de Buenos Aires; CONICET


The paper develops a theoretical analysis on the link between the central elements of feminist epistemology and its deployment in the Argentine educational field. The three feminine projects elaborated by Sandra Harding - empiricist, point of view and postmodern - will be analyzed in the light of some questions that the feminist pedagogy has been developing. It will also analyze some documents that come out of National Law 26150 of “Educación Sexual Integral” (2006) and in particular their senses around scientific objectivity. In this way, we seek to contribute to the field of education and gender by describing the tensions that appear between the school conceptualization of nature and bodies, and the problematization of biological determinism introduced by feminist theory in school.


Sexual education, feminist epistemology, gender, pedagogy, androcentrism

Author Biography

Catalina González del Cerro, Universidad de Buenos Aires; CONICET

Es Doctoranda por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras con orientación en Educación por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es Becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y Profesora de nivel superior y medio en Ciencias Antropológicas. Actualmente es investigadora del proyecto Ubacyt “Transversal y con contenidos propios” Educación sexual con enfoque de género en la formación docente inicial” dirigido por la Dra Graciela Morgade. Argentina