Music as a rhizome. Bases for a performative musical education


  • José A. Rodríguez-Quiles Universidad de Granada


This work seeks to lay the foundations for a new music education epistemology inspired by the text A Thousand Plateaus by the Frenchmen Deleuze and Guattari. Contemplating music as a rhizome and the music classroom as a rhizomorphic system allows the properties of music making to be analyzed as part of a decentralized system of interactions between performative forces that transcend the music score (in the traditional sense of the score being the principal and only monument considered as part of the curriculum). In this way it distances itself from the imaginary museum and its ideologists.Understanding the music classroom as a social performative space permits the characteristics of rhizomorphic systems to be studied in this field. With the help of the principles of connection, heterogeneity, multiplicity, asignifying ruptures and map making, the universals of classical musicology are confirmed to not be valid when used as a single reference point applied in educational contexts.


Music education, rhizome, performance, performativity, performative music education