The welfare benefits system in Canta Catarina: the judicial interpretation


  • Vinícius Guilherme Bion Faculdades Borges de Mendonça


The mains purpose of this essay is to explore and to explain the mode that welfare benefit system works under labor law legislation, especially in regards to the social security guarantees and how these legal causals (disabilities causes) are judges by labor courts in Santa Catarina.


Social security, disability insurance, welfares system, Judicial interpretation by the Labor courts in Santa Catarina

Author Biography

Vinícius Guilherme Bion, Faculdades Borges de Mendonça

Professor Derecho del Trabajo, Faculdades Borges de Mendonça. Posgrado en Derecho de la Seguridad Social CESUSC. Advogado domiciliado na cidade de Florianópolis. Rua Araújo Figueiredo, nº 100, Centro - Florianópolis