Abigeato y economía en la provincia de Concepción 1820-1850


  • Mauricio F. Rojas G.


This work deals with the ways to understand the cattle rustling, on the part of the popular sectors deepening in the subordinate mentality in order to appreciate its contents. The work is centered in the economic structure of cattle rustling, whose central approach maintains that cattle rustling chiefly acted with a sense of profit on carrying out their practice, giving to robbery and theft the connotation of business. Besides that, cattle rustling formed part of the rural insurgency that intended subvert the uneven social order to obtain a better quality of life. The background of it is the dialectical situation that contrast the ideas of imposed legality by the establishment and the concept of legitimacy that operated to the interior of the rural subordinates.


Subordinate mentalitty, cattle rustling, rural insurgency, legality, Legitimacy, business

Author Biography

Mauricio F. Rojas G.

Doctor en Historia por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesor de los departamentos de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Bío-Bío y de Ciencias Históricas de la Universidad de Concepción